We invite you to an online Convergence: Enlightening Our Way Together. Eight days dedicated to Ceremonies, Offerings and a creative Open Space Technology gathering designed to connect, reflect, look back and move forward together.
Starting Friday, December 15th, 2023 and continuing through Friday, December 22th, let us gather to contemplate, learn, co-imagine, play, and dream together with the healing and restorative work we are called to do, to be of deeper service to each other and our planet.
Through these special Global Fires, Cermonies, and Offerings we aspire to learn, collaborate and celebrate our Beloved Community and our collective body of work.
Enlightening Our Way Together: December 15 – 22, 2023 will focus on:
- Unifying Our Human Family. Building a Global Fire of One Love.
- Unifying for Peace on Earth with our Indigenous Relatives of the First Nations of Ireland, the Peoples of Ireland, and the Irish Global Diaspora.
- Prayers of support for the Union of the Condor, Quetzal, and Eagle and Hummingbird.
- Peace on Earth from our Relatives of Japan.
- Balancing the extremes of Wealth and Poverty.
- Protecting and Restoring the Amazon.
- Uplifting Women and the 7th Generation.
- Healing Intergenerational Trauma.
- Ending War. Creating Peace on Earth by 2030.
Enlightening Our Way Together (EOWT) is a global, online convergence to connect, engage, share, and unite with those networks working for the Beginning of Peace and the End of War by 2030. The convergence is a co-production of Four Worlds International Institute, their allies, and the SINE Network and its members.
Enlightening Our Way Together will light and nourish a sacred Global Fire, from December 15 – 22, 2023. This Global Fire Wopida Ceremony is for global healing, purification, well-being and restoration. The Global Fire is symbolic of new life and rebirth.
Together, we will unite and build Global Fires of One Love and Unity Across the Americas and Beyond. Fueled by our collective commitment to compassion in action, unifying our Human Family, and the beginning of Peace on Earth by 2030.
Thankfully, we have this opportunity to celebrate, consult, collaborate, and co-create together, many independent streams, flowing into a collective river, creating a limitless ocean of love, compassion, healing, and justice.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Dr. MLK Jr.
2023 has been a year like none other. Let us move forward with the spiritual strength, understanding, compassion, love, and wisdom building on all we have learned in 2023, in further Building Beloved Community over the next seven years.
Sign Up to Participate
We invite you to participate in building a Global Fire for Being Beloved Community. We welcome participants to join us. If you have a gift to share at the Global Fire take a few minutes to complete the Sign Up to Participate form.
Click “Sign Up toParticipate” to stay in the loop, share your genius and bring your light to the Global Fire!
If at any time you need help or have a question you are trying to get answered or want to be a part of the team harvesting and reporting on the Convergence go to HUB and Newsroom below.