ONE Humanity Institute Teddybear Campaign

The amazing and inspirational story of how the One Humanity Institute became involved with helping those displaced by the Ukraine War. The House of Hope was born from our global family stepping up, donating money and resources to renovate one of the One Humanity buildings.. We created transitional housing where we subsidize Ukrainian guests finding their new lives. Currently we have 20 guests.

Gaining Planetary Consciousness – Gaia’s Way

What is Gaia already telling us that we are not listening to? How can we learn to 'think like the planet?' Learn how Gaia's regenerative principles and make a difference in your life, not only practically, but spiritually as well.

Uniting Through Our Resources

We strongly believe that a post-scarcity and moneyless future is possible and feasible through the application of science and technology to create Eco-Villages. Places where people from all walks of life can collaborate together to build a better future. Our mission is to create technical methods, tools and procedures for overcoming the environmental challenges of tomorrow through the use of Eco-Villages.

Regenerating Earth – the Task and the Path

Sharing a filmed interview - conversation with Joe Brewer, author of the book The Design Pathway for Regenerating Earth and co-founder of with Andrew Cameron Bailey, Climate Optimist/Inventor at Sacred Earth Enterprises. Hosted by Rita Marsh, co-founder of The Center for Human Flourishing (TCfHF) in Carbondale, Colorado USA.

Uniting Through our Resources / Eight Forms of Capital

Eight Forms of Capital is an interesting talk about how to make the transition in exchanging other forms of currency. Identifying what the eight forms of Capital are, and understanding their value as it relates to our current economy. A futuristic look at alternative ways to thrive as a global community.

The Third Great Synthesis: A Prophecy for the Human Family

There have been two times of synthesis between Europeans and Native Americans in the evolution of consciousness embodied in the American mind, spirit and democracy. We are now entering the time of accessing our Pan-Indigenousness during the Third Great Synthesis as we move to higher frequencies and create new realities, bringing Peace on Earth.

Women Weaving Belonging

We often think of belonging through the lens of relationship with other people. In this Global Fire session, you’ll be guided to wake up an experience of belonging that starts with ‘here and now’ presence and then weaves powerful connections with mother earth, light, and the unique wisdom each one of us carries. Together we’ll weave a beautiful tapestry of belonging through which to flow our love out into the world.

Freedom from Intergenerational Trauma with Ease and Grace

What if we could allow all of our pain from all generations that have been acting out through us, individually and collectively, to be fully and completely neutralized in miraculously gentle but scientific ways?
What if that new level of wholeness and freedom could then be the accessible grounded and inspired wisdom from which we are fertilized and catalyzed to grow and co create solutions for ourselves and the world?
Please come to experience a cutting edge quantum technique, Inner Resonance Technologies, to wake up and activate a simple new tool to help yourself and others along this journey to enlighten our way together with effortless grace.

Dr Martin Luther King Grantees Service Projects: Lighting Up the USA Part One

A variety of community leaders from around the USA will be sharing service projects honoring the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Enlightening Our Way Together. Join us in the zoom room and in community to build a Beloved Community Enlightening Our away Together. Get creative fun ideas on how to serve your community too!

Unifying through our Resources / Money Free Party of NZ

There is an entire political party in New Zealand who runs on the “Money-Free” Party that has been building momentum for many years. Listen to Richard Osmaston tell the story. This will open your eyes to possibilities!

SOULFUL (Conscious) Businesses – Our Path to a Loving Future

See how being in service with your SOULFUL, Conscious Business can be part of the change for the better! Kathy will share books and information that you can use to discover how you can make these positive changes.

SingPeace! Pilgrimage for Peace & Global Harmony

The mission of SingPeace! arose from a singing dream in 2008. Its collaborative and participatory mission has brought together singer-songcrafters, storytellers, poets, puppeteers, dancers, visual artists, and playful outdoor enthusiasts.

The Earth Dreams

In the early 90's the Earth shared with me Her dream. A dream for all those who live upon and within Her. I have dreamed this dream ever since and have shared it with the many groups I have worked with since. Each time we dream the Earth's Dream we are Dreaming Her awake, just as She is Dreaming us awake.

Unifying Through Our Resources / Future of Sustainability

How does a sustainable society look? What are the transition steps to a new economy? Two really big questions that will be answered in this presentation by Arjang Jameh, Zeitgeist Organizer.

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